Unto the Known World do the Heirs of the East, the Middle, Atlantia, and Æthelmearc send greetings as we herald a New Year filled with promise, glory, and fellowship!
We turn our eyes to the jewel of our Society’s calendar, the illustrious Pennsic War. Each year, Pennsic combines the clash of arms, the harmony of song, and a vibrant array of cultures to forge our collective medieval dream. It is with great joy and anticipation that we extend our heartfelt welcome to all who would partake in this grand adventure. The preparations for this year’s Pennsic are well underway, and our hearts are set on a singular mission: to craft an experience so unforgettable that every participant will carry it forward, yearning for the return of next summer’s gathering. This year, the principles of the East and Middle Kingdoms have forged a bond of unity with each other and our noble cousins, the mighty Atlantia and our glorious Æthelmearc. We have pledged to shape the Pennsic War’s structure, rules and events with the virtues of inclusivity and fairness in the spirit of noble competition. Our goal is to weave a tapestry of shared adventures and traditions that will stand as a testament to the enduring legacy of Pennsic.
To those who join us for the first time, we offer our welcome to a world where history and imagination merge into a living, breathing experience. May your journey into the heart of Pennsic be one of awe and inspiration, and a place where dreams of chivalry, artistry, and camaraderie come alive. For those who return, bearing the memories of past Pennsics, we eagerly await the tales you will add to this ever-growing saga. We strive to ensure that every person finds their place within this living dream, and we call upon you, the populace, to lend your voices, your ideas, and your hearts to help us shape this year’s war into the most inclusive and joyous Pennsic yet.
Prepare yourselves for days of splendor and nights of revelry. Whether you march into battle, partake in the arts, or simply bask in the ambiance of this wondrous event, know that you are part of a community that thrives together. Let us gather as one, bound by our love for history and imagination and the life we breathe into it.
Raise your banners, don your armor, and prepare your hearts, for the Pennsic War beckons. Let us step forward into this New Year courageous and united, ready to create memories that will endure for generations to come.
We call upon you to lend your voices, your ideas and your hearts.
Originally posted on Their Royal Highnesses of the MidRealm Facebook on January 13, 2025.